Polar bear painting in acrylic by Bibbi
Polar bear painting in acrylic by Bibbi
Shimmering shadows in the morning light I wonder where I walk this night Frozen landscape so clear and bright Sparkling sound reflects in the air Footprint on snow with cold delight inside the earth is fire and glow A meeting in the vertigo now The heat from the bear the earth with the ice Touching each other from deep inside Responding with footsteps in harmony I Am to be
the polar bear is walking inside me
Spring Symphony.
A greetings to all who take "time" to read this Doveletter. New fresh and crispy spring is here. All you perceive is a symbol from your mind, and by experience this spring inside you - knowing can tip into your mind without regret of any sort. Spring is for every One and allways create new shoots, What is left behind from the autum , have been gestated and now spring forth into beatiful expression of color and sights and sounds.
When a bud enfold into a full flower it makers creates a beatiful sound that resonates thru creation - a clear vibrant note, clear and distinct as only each flower can make. LISTEN ! To listen and to hear is not the same. Hear you do with your ear, and listen with your heart Can you imagen what a splendid symphony this spring is giving to when all the buds burst into creation every spring. There is no resistance - no effort - only creation.
Robin in the summerwind
A wave in the wind
Was passing by
It didn’t see my sorrow
The wave was not aware
Of anything – except to move
Between and passing thru
A tree was bending
The leaves did shake
A winter dress was hanging out
or refreshing air
Back and forth on the line
The wave was passing by
The wave was not aware
To see the old or see the new
Did it see my sorrow
Was it fake
Or was it true
I ask the wind to carry it away
I made a blow with power and intent
A robin landed on my side
A trilling melody filled the air
The wind was taken by surprise
Between and passing thru
A gap expand
There was no time
Only beauty and delight
The wind then whisper in my ear
Your sorrow was not really there
The tick of time do move with me
But I can always stop and be
A standing wave in eternity
Sing your truth and
Learn to be a Robin
And to join with ME
Welcome to wintermonths where the days are short and nights are long here in the northern hemisphere. Now is the time to go inside and dwell in your innermost chamber where all the secrets and knowing dwell. The secrets want to be revealed and expressed and shared to your world.
The secret are YOU - and all your "not you" made up of concepts - be it by your self, others or the collective have a counterpart here in your inner chamber, that nullify them whenever you wish and dare to admit there is something needed to let go of. Go inside and lay the "problem" on the inner chamber and ask to receive.
The "secret" attached to this will reveal itself and absorb whatever you dont need to hold on to anymore. And the understanding will come that the secret was not any secret, but only something seemingly hidden from you, but was allways there, waiting to be discovered .
Give thanks to the Divine that dwells in you, in everyone and
everywhere . Let go and go about and bless your day. Bibbidove
From Lesson 107. 6 : A Course in Miracles:
Truth does not come and go nor shift nor change, in this appearance now and then in that, evading capture and escaping grasp. Id does not hide. It stands in open light, in obvious accessibility.
From Lesson 107. 2 : A Cource in Miracles:
What can correct illusions but the truth? And what are errors but illusions that remain unrecognized for what they are? Where truth has entered errors disappear. They merely vanish, leaving not a trace by which to be remembered. They are gone because without belief, they have no life. And so they disappear to nothingness, returning whence they came. From dust to dust they come and go, for only truth remain.